
Mariana Carvalho


Graduated in Environmental Sciences from the Universidade Moderna do Porto, with a specialization in Senior Technician in Occupational Health and Safety from IDIT, and a Pre-Bologna Master’s degree in Environmental Health from the Escola Superior de Biotecnologia at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Holds an MBA in Operations Management from CLT, ISO9001 Lead Auditor certified by CQI and IRCA, and Business & Political Coaching Certification from Higi Works – Pioneer Requirement.

Started her professional career as a Quality and Environment Technician, and throughout her career, she has also held roles such as Environmental and Certifications Manager, Occupational Health and Safety Trainer, Corporate Management System Manager, and Quality Management System Responsible.

Within the Parental Associative Movement, she has been a member of the executive board of CONFAP – Confederação Nacional Associação de Pais since 2019, currently serving as President. She is also a member of the executive board of FECAP São João da Madeira – Federação Concelhia das Associações de Pais de São João da Madeira, a Counselor in the Municipal Education Council of the São João da Madeira City Council, a member of the General Council of the Agrupamento de Escolas João da Silva Correia – São João da Madeira, and President of the Board of the Parents and Guardians Association of EB1/JI Parrinho.
