
Mafalda Teles Roxo


Mafalda Teles Roxo has been a Senior Researcher at LIAAD – INESCTEC (Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Laboratory) since 2016. Additionally, she has been a Guest Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto since 2020 and an Assistant Professor at the University of Maia since the same year. She holds a Ph.D. in Management from FEP – University of Porto, with a focus on Augmented Reality applied to Marketing (2020). She also earned a Master’s degree in Marketing from Católica Porto Business School (2014) and an Executive Master’s in Business Innovation from Porto Business School (2023).

Her research areas encompass digital transformation, technology adoption, consumer psychology, and data-driven education. In recent years, she has been involved in consulting and training with institutions such as Porto Business School (projects like Porto Retail Observatory, FeelPorto) and companies like EQS-Global, Verakis, and CEGEA-Católica Porto Business School.
