Marco Bento is a professor at the School of Education of Coimbra and an integrated researcher in educational technology and teacher training/pedagogical practices at the Research, Education, Training, and Intervention Center (NIEFI – ESEC). He is also a researcher at the Research and Innovation in Education Center (InED) of the Polytechnic School of Education of Porto and at the Education Research Center of the University of Minho. Additionally, he is a professor at the Coimbra Business School of the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra and a researcher at the Research and Teacher Training Group and Educational Technologies of the Foundation for Technical School Support of the State of Rio de Janeiro – FAETEC, the Higher Institute of Education in Rio de Janeiro. Since January 2023, he has been leading the Research Center in Luso-Brazilian Educational Technology – NIPTecEDU.
Moreover, Marco Bento serves as a pedagogical consultant in various Portuguese schools and municipalities. He is part of two international networks, the COST Network – Digital Literacy Skills and Practices in the Early Years (DigiLitEY) and the International Collaborative Action Research Network. Currently, he is the coordinator of the European Research Project “STEAMing Ahead: Moving the STEAM Approach forward through teacher-led cooperation” and a co-investigator in several European projects in various areas.
For the past 8 years, he has been coordinating the SUPERTABi Project, which aims to transform pedagogical practices through the use of student-centered pedagogical models mediated by mobile technologies, enhancing new learning spaces. In addition, he coordinates the SUPERTABi Pedagogical Innovation Meetings to discuss the three dimensions of research: pedagogy, technology, and learning space.
Marco Bento